Universal Brotherhood day was celebrated in Vivekananda
Kendra Vidyalaya, Dibrugarh on 11th September 2014, to commemorate
the world famous speech delivered by Swami Vivekananda on 11th
September 1893, at Chicago in The World Parliament of Religions. The
programme started with Mangalacharan followed by welcome speech by the
Principal of the school, Sri Ravindranath D. Savdeykar. It was followed by a
Patriotic Song performed by the students of Class VI to IX which was followed
by the Mock speech of Swami Vivekananda which he had addressed in the famous
World Parliament of Religion in 1893.
The programme was graced by the
Principal of DHSK Commerce College, Dibrugarh, Dr. Khanindra Mishra Bhagawati
as the Chief Guest highlighted that the idea behind celebrating the function
was to spread the message of Universal Brotherhood. He also reiterated that
Universal Brotherhood which Swamiji suggested in 1893 is even relevant even
today. Dr. Meenakshi Barve, Retd. Director School of Education, YCMO
university Nasik was present in the occasion
as Guest of Honour.
highlighted the importance of youth in Man Making and Nation Building by
saying that one should bear the responsibility of the work he or she has
done. Dashavtaar Nritya, Patriotic Song, Jhumur Nritya, Creative Dance and
Surya Namaskar were the highlight of the programme. Smt. Hironmoyee Das, in-charge of the Primary section delivered
the Vote of Thanks. The programme concluded with Shanti Mantra.
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