10TH February, 2016 (Matri Puja)
The most anticipated, most
eagerly awaited Matri Puja for the Students of Cl-X was observed on 10th
of Feb, 2016. 71 students came to attend the puja with their mothers. The
principal of the Vidyalaya welcomed the guardians and the guests from APT.
Shri Krishna Kumar, Cluster in
charge, VKVAPT conducted the puja bridhi successfully. Shri P.M. Unnikrishnan ,education
officer emphasised the importance of the Puja to uphold values like Matri Devo
Bhava, Pitri Devo Bahvo, Rashtradevo Bhava values by the students at crucial
times of their lives.
The purpose of the Puja was to
infuse the importance and role of the importance of mothers in their life and pay due respect
to her in the family at all points of life.