

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Childrens Day Celebration 

14th November, 2019

Childrens Day is celebrated on the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. On this day, our teachers conduct the assembly every year for the students. A group of teachers with full enthusiasm geared up to conduct the morning assembly. Vice Principals, Sri R. M. Thakre and Sri Shasanka Roy gave speech and motivated the students to love books and study well. They narrated story on Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru’s childhood to the students.
After the assembly, an Art competition was held for the students of Classes I to IX.
Students of Classes KG and I took their lunch together in the Activity hall. Classes II to III students dressed up as National Leaders for Go as you Like competition. Class V students with the help of their class teachers conducted the programmes very smoothly and efficiently.
The last two periods of the day was dedicated to a friendly match of Kabaddi for classes VIII to XI and tug of war for classes VI & VII. All the students were distributed Kheer as Prasad. Everyone relished it and enjoyed the day to the fullest.

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