

Saturday, 26 December 2020

Gita Jayanti

Gita Jayanti is the Utsava, we celebrate mainly to invigorate ourselves by living deep into our scriptures. Gita is like a Guru who guides us for achieving the goal of life. Gita is also the scriptural form of our dear motherland as she tells all that which this land of ours is manifesting in her national life. Samarth Bharat Parv & Geeta  Jayanti  has been observed on 25th December, 2020 in VKV Dibrugarh  and discourse on Bhagvat Geeta by Swamiji Radheshyam Das, ISKON, Dibrugarh branch.

Thus the celebration of the Gita Jayanti became a part of Samartha Bharat Parva. And it was observed on 27th December, 2020 (Sunday) as form of “Kutumba Sammelan” for KG students and their family through Google Meet at 6:00 pm with total no. of
26 participants.
Shasanka Sir, Vice Principal, VKV Dibrugarh, gave welcome speech and introduction of the Chief Guest of Mananeeya Rekha Didi, Joint General Secretary, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari. Didi spoke on “Ktumba Sammelan” and its value in Indian culture. She emphasised on the role of mother in shaping her children. Taking examples from our mythological epic, she shared how Sri Krishna motivated Arjuna in the battle of Mahabharata. She also emphasized how in every house there should be the practice of reading Gita. Those children should be made to learn Gita Shloka from tender age only. Gita is the only book which will help you in your day to day problems, So everyone of us must read Gita to lead a purposeful life. We must read Gita, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Upanishad’s shloka’s and try to by heart them. All the family members of the house should sit together and chant Sanskrit slokas, which will help us in strengthening our memory. The programme also included introduction of family members of KG students, Bhajan by Kum. Trishna Dutta, Class VIII and Sanskrit song by Kum. Trishita Kaushik, Class XI Science. Quiz Competition on Gita also a part of the programme conducted by Sri Manik Sir and Sri Raghunath Hajong. The programme ended with Shantimantra.

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