Kalpataru Divas
This day is celebrated on 1st January every year in the morning
assembly in VKV Dibrugarh in presence of both students and teachers. A speech on
Kalpataru Divas was given by our teacher Smt. Deepa Bora. In her speech she spoke about
Kalpataru Day as annual religious festival observed by monks of Rama Krishna
Math as well as worldwide. Vedanta Societies have narrated the reason behind the
celebration of Kalpataru Divas. She also highlighted that the celebration of
this divas protects the Dharma and Spiritual Sanskriti of Indian culture. The
programme continued with a speech by Sri Biren Saikia, teacher, on one of the hero of Samartha
Bharat Sri Jadav “Molai” Payeng, an environment activist and forestry worker
from Majuli popularly known as the “Forest Man of India”. He worked efficiently
and formed a forest and to him it seemed a great achievement than receiving an
award which is really an inspiration for us. The programme ended with
Shantimantra followed by National Song and then Aarti of Bharat Mata by the
students and teachers.
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