

Saturday, 10 April 2021


To instill respect and values for mothers, Matri Puja was organized in VKV Dibrugarh on 10th April, 2021 for the outgoing batch of  Class X (2020-21). 62 mothers were present along with their children. In the morning mothers and children ceremonially started the day wherein the children washed their mother's feet.

Welcome address was delivered by the Vice Principal, Sri R.M.Thakre, where he highlighted the significance of "Matri Puja". After that the chief guest Smt. Madhumita Borthakur Goswami, Vice Principal, Dibru College & HOD, Sanskrit Department was felicitated by our Vice Principal and she addressed the parents and students and spoke about the importance of matri and pitri in one's life and what we are today is all because of the sacrifice made by our parents. 

She also spoke that mother is the heartbeat of a family. Mother is the maker of man, observer of our action, teacher of life, eternal blessing and reflection of God. All these qualities are there in a mother, so we should be always grateful to our mother. Lastly, she wished the students for the upcoming examination. Hoping they will bring their best to the institution and also their family. 

After that the whole puja bidhi were carried out by our sanskrit teacher, Sri Bikash Upadhyaya. The programme continued with sharing of experience by the students and parents. It ended with the vote of thanks by ou Vice Principal, Sri Shasanka Roy.

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