

Friday 21 June 2024


International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st of June all over the world. This day was celebrated in our Vidyalaya too. It began with the lighting of the auspicious lamp by Principal, followed by Vice -Principal and Primary -In-Charge. A  group of students performed Yoga theme song. Later, few Yoga positions and postures were demonstrated by the Vidyalaya students. After that a speech was delivered by Primary -In-Charge on the role of Yoga in our lives. 

     The Principal of the Vidyalaya appreciated the students who became Suryaveers by completing the target of maximum Suryanamaskars. Certificates and medals were awarded on the stage in the presence of Principal,Vice Principal and Primary Incharge. 800 students along with few parents and well-wishers and teachers attended the programme.

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